We, at Pramukh Enterprise are pleased to introduce ourselves as the renowned service provider and manufacturer of good quality in-house designed MS Fabrication and SS Fabrication projects.
Pramukh Enterpise was established 30 years ago with a motto to be the one stop solutions for customers requirement in the field of MS and SS Fabrication works.
Stationed at Ahmedabad in West India, Pramukh Enterprise was established by Mr. Dinesh Mistry, an able guide and businessman with deep knowledge of fabrication work.
Dinesh Mistry has experienced of twenty years in this field, which results in the functionality and product development of the company.
Pramukh Enterpirse are engaged in manufacturing of Decorative gates and Grills, Parking Shade, Kitchen Yard Shade, Weather Shade and M.S. and S.S. Railing.
We do customization as per architecture design.
Our Products are Fiber Glass such as Bambu Sheet, Agrenate Sheet, Plain Sheet, Cloth Sheet and transparent corrogated sheet and fiber glass products.
Employee’s of Pramukh Enterprise are dedicated, hardworking and specialized in multi task operation.